We think learning should be seriously fun.
The Early Learning Center at MTCS is here to share God’s love with children as we prepare them for a wonderful, successful year in kindergarten and a love for learning that lasts a lifetime.

When we’re with Pre-K children, we’re in our element. Our faces light up when they arrive and stay that way until we send them back into your loving arms.

More importantly, we’re well-trained. We love the Lord. And we know how to make learning seriously fun. We think (and parents seem to agree) this combination makes all the difference. In fact, we believe so much in our approach that all of our teachers have had children or grandchildren come through the school as students. It seems the proof is in the pudding.

We think you’ll appreciate our serious side, too.
We take seriously the childcare standards set by the Tennessee Department of Education, and we have a certificate from them to prove it. Even the Southern Association of Independent Schools and AdvancedED have given us accreditation. So it seems we have the serious stuff down, too.

Our story wouldn’t be complete without a quick trip down memory lane.
Since we’re so young at heart, you might think the MTCS Early Learning Center is a new school. Not so. The same leaders who started the Middle Tennessee Christian School in 1960 started the MTCS Early Learning Center in 1975. We can’t believe it’s been that long. Time really flies when you’re having fun.

What’s Coming Up 

March 31-April 4: Spring Break
April 15: ELC Spring Program
April 16 or 17: Easter Egg Hunt
April 18: Good Friday (School and Extended Care are Closed)
April 28: Superhero Day





A Sneak Peek