5 Things to Consider When Deciding on a Preschool

Deciding on a preschool can be a daunting task for new parents. It seems that the options are limitless, from public to private, half-day, full-day and everything in between- there are more choices than ever for your child’s PK3 and PK4 experience. So where do you even begin? Well, let’s start here. As you decide where your child will begin their education journey, consider these 5 things.

What are the values you want your child to have?

 This is one of the first times you will leave your children in the extended care of another adult. They are most certainly going to be influenced by the people you choose to care for them. Don’t be afraid to ask about the values of a preschool or the qualifications of its teachers. Knowing these things can give you peace of mind as your child begins their educational journey.

What do I want my child to be learning?

What skills do you think are important for your child to learn? Do you want them to be in a more structured environment or would they be better suited in an imagination exploration setting? There are tons and tons of educational approaches in the early learning world, so find out which one is best for your child. Lots of schools incorporate a combination of educational philosophies, but its helpful to be aware of what drives the curriculum.

How does the preschool prevent/ handle challenging behavior?

Knowing how challenging behavior will be handled in the classroom setting for your child’s preschool experience can help determine a best fit for your family. Parents should be in agreement with how the school handles challenging behavior, but also how they actively work to prevent it. This is especially important for your child’s growth and eventual success in more structured classroom environments for grade school.

What is the atmosphere like at the preschool?

Planning a visit to your potential preschool is so important when deciding where your child will begin their growth. With a visit you can get a true sense of the school, what the atmosphere is like, how the teachers interact with the students, and if it is a right fit for your family.

What is the preschool’s reputation among peers and online?

Sometimes the best way to find out if a preschool is the right fit for your family is by asking around. Reach out to other parents and scour the internet for reviews to get a feel of the preschool and other families experiences with the institution.

Once you’ve thoughtfully considered these five things, check out the Early Learning Center at Middle Tennessee Christian School. Our approach is to share God’s love with children as we prepare them for a wonderful, successful year in kindergarten and a love for learning that lasts a lifetime. We think learning should be seriously fun, and our friends think we do a pretty great job of it.